by Chris Plaford | Jul 13, 2019 | Blog, Business, Capital Assets, Chris Plaford, Investing, Real Estate, Real Estate Investing
Income-generating properties have become a lucrative investment option in the real estate industry. Single family, small multi-family or vacation rental properties can be a great way to get started in real estate and supplement your income. Well-managed...
by Chris Plaford | May 17, 2019 | Blog, Capital Assets, Chris Plaford, Historic Sites, Investing, Real Estate, Real Estate Investing
In another blog, here at Capital Asset Properties, we addressed the importance of preserving historic buildings and highlighted some of the ways of doing so make a difference to the local community. Now, we’d like to highlight some of the tangible benefits of...
by Chris Plaford | May 11, 2019 | Blog, Capital Assets, Chris Plaford, Historic Sites, Real Estate
At Capital Asset Properties, we recognize the importance of acquiring historic sites, particularly in more urban areas, and working to preserve them. In another blog, we’ll address the benefits of doing so, but we’d first like to address why helping to preserve these...